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Two Steps From Hell - Classics Vol.1 (2013): The Essential Guide to Epic Music


We continue to have large families, out of our love for children, respect for the divine and natural law, and devotion to our vocation as parents. Faithful priests and nuns--our brothers and sisters, our sons and daughters--are finally reaching positions of authority within dioceses. Along with millions of our Protestant brothers and sisters, we care about the truths that really matter: that every human life is priceless, free-willed, immortal, while suffering from Original Sin that can only be cured by divine grace--by Jesus and His Church. We care whether people go to heaven or hell. Most our fellow citizens live as if heaven and hell do not exist or that people cannot suffer eternal damnation even if they believe it might exist.

Two Steps From Hell - Classics Vol.1 (2013)

The Sydney Cove of Nanberry's first eight years was a placeof clean gushing streams, cabbage tree palms and tree ferns, of eucalyptusand angophora forests, a land where every few steps you'd find food andmedicine, where there were no major diseases, the inhabitants were strong andhealthy, with good teeth and strong bones. 'There was a time for thesettling of disputes, and a time to go west to feast on eels, a time when thebees wore fluffy yellow pollen on their legs, when you knew that in anotherseason of moons the nectar would flow sweet and pale green when you poked astick into the honey trees' (p. 13) Ten years later the Tank Stream wasso filthy that the smell sickened those nearby. The colony smelt of sewage,rubbish and unwashed bodies. These bodies, in the most part, were stunted byyears of starvation, smog, alcohol and foetal alcohol syndrome. Few hadenough teeth even to eat tough meat. Food was almost uniformly both bad andunhealthy--salt meat, flour that was soured by weevils, high infant andmaternal mortality childbirth was the major cause of female mortality, fromchildbirth fever brought on by filthy hands as surgeons came from the dyingor diseased to the birthing chamber.

This book carries this theme further, showing how the explorers ofthe Burke and Wills expedition died of starvation and basic neglect, spurningthe help of the indigenous people who were living off the land that they werestarving in. For them the water holes were a land of plenty and comfort; forthe Europeans who refused to adapt and died from their stubbornness andaggressive ignorance it was a hell of heat, filth and flies--the latter two aproduct of an expedition that had camped too long in one place with nothought of the consequences of their waste. 2ff7e9595c

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